Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

the little boy peeking through

the little boy peeking through
Originally uploaded by mamajae

His eyes are changing from the deep blue they were as a newborn to a greenish brown, just like his mama and papa. I can see more and more of a little boy coming out of him every day. He's a very determined soul, which leaves him frustrated sometimes, but I think he picked the perfect parents to nurture him along the way.

Much love & Gratitude,

red eyed tiger

red eyed tiger
Originally uploaded by mamajae

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I haven't written in a while and I can sum it all up by saying...

OMG, Lucas is learning so much and changing so much every day! I can't keep up with it all on the blog that is for sure. More videos on the way....

It is so much fun. Papa has had some time off in between jobs so we've been enjoying spending quality time together by conversing and playing with him. We are so lucky to have time together. Granted we may not be able to take an elaborate family vacation for awhile. But hey, having time to take walks together and giggle in cuddle puddles... who could ask anything more!?

Much love,


Originally uploaded by mamajae
Thats him with his best bud, Sally Seahorse. :)

His cute sleeper came from a friend, this was the first time I put him in it and I think it became my favorite!


Originally uploaded by mamajae
Photo by Papa Bear!

Look at that adorable face....... ahhh :)