Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baby goes Boarding and Mama ain't RETRO'D no more!

Thanks to great friends taking us out to Celebrate Life on a Wednesday, Mama & Papa got to spend a few hours in the sun and in the water. What fun it was! I was a bit scared of catching an edge and doing a face-front body-smack on the water, but after taking a few years off the wakeboard, Mama did juuuust fine. :)


One thing that presented a bit of a potential problem for my pregnancy was the fact that I have a retro-verted uterus. This just means that instead of being above the cervix, it just leans back and in my case it was leanin' wayyyy back. Its common though for retroverted uteruses to "flip" after the 12th week or so. And after seeing my midwife (Georgianna Ainslie CNM) today, she confirmed that indeed, Mama aint retro'd no more! :)

I also got to hear the heartbeat again. This time it was a mere 160 bpm at 16 weeks vs. 179 at 10 weeks. My brother Eric & Sister-in-Law Jen, are going to send me some headphones attached to a microphone so you can hear the heartbeat whenever... or talk to the baby! Its so soothing to listen to. I hope to record it and I'm sure between myself and the magician that is Hi-may Rivera, we'll create something wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. At first glance of the picture of you with the flag on the boat. I SWEAR you look exactly like your mom. :) So beautiful! It is funny, because as I type this I am thinking of all the years we have known each other... and I don't remember ever thinking you looked like madre, but now... in that picture, you do. I miss you Heidi and hope all is well. Tell Madre hi for me and I love you all.
