Thursday, January 21, 2010

T minus 7 days til the due date!

We had a midwifery appointment this morning and I think it was my favorite by far, thus far. First of all, we saw Shelly, whom we hadn't seen before. I've enjoyed my time with all of the practitioners there so far and feel so comfortable and safe with all of them. Shelly taught a class James and I took a couple weeks ago and we both really liked her sense of humor and spunk. I knew we'd click well today when she was wearing polka-dots (my favorite) and then later during the check up I noticed she was wearing a Dalai Lama necklace. How cool!

We had our usual discussion session and then it was time to do the routine check up: blood pressure, heart rate, measure the uterus/belly, and my favorites: palpating the baby's positioning and listening to the heartbeat. This time we opted to do a manual check of my cervix as well.

The results came in like so:
blood pressure : good, as per usual!
uterus : measuring in at 40cm, perfect! Is it cm, couldn't be inches... I don't know, numbers and math aren't my thing.
baby's positioning: head down, wayyy down, and its hind quarters up near my ribs on the right side. I was so worried that because the baby hasn't been facing backwards that this would predispose me to back labor and a more difficult birthing process. Shelly reassured me that babies rarely find themselves like that prior because there just isn't enough room in the womb that way. I also thought that since I was feeling its butt so high that its head couldn't be down. Looks like we're just going to have one tall baby!
baby's heartbeat : 140-146 bpm. This is slightly higher than what we usually find, usually its like 130-140 or so. Guess this is yet another arena where the baby is throwing us for a loop when it comes to trying to use old wives' tales to determine the sex. Side note: I've been feeling like its going to be a boy lately, just because. I can't quite make sense of it. I also think that it may be a very feminine boy because I still feel a lot of feminine energy surrounding the wee sprout.

and for the grand finale!!!

the manual exam : Great news! I have a super stretchy cervix! YAY! This is great news because a previous medical treatment that I've had done to my cervix has put me at a greater risk for having an "unresponsive" cervix. If that is the case when it comes down to it, I get to have part of my cervix cut out. But I am lucky, I have been using my tools to prevent this, such as: meditation/visualization/singing to my cervix, dietary supplements, and also using acupuncture to specific points to help soften the cervix. I also believe that the rolfing, or structural integration, bodywork coupled with chiropractic adjustments have been aiding in the utmost "communication" between my body's health systems to facilitate healthy cells and tissues. Great huh, but there is still more GREAT news! My cervix is effaced to 50-60% and I am dilated to 1.5-2cm!

There is however one down side, we discovered an imbalance in my healthy to unhealthy flora so I had to take a one time antibotic to clear this up because it could not fare well for mama or baby if it passed to the baby in birth. So, as long as the baby can wait a few days, we're golden!

I'm hoping for the 26th or 27th because thats when my two favorite midwives are on call. So lets all keep our fingers crossed!!



  1. I love all of your enthusiuasm surrounding the condition of your body. Will you come and meditate/sing to my body as well? I'm not pregnant, but I'm sure it couldn't hurt :)

    As for the heartrate, Lucas' heart sped up not long before I went into labor. Everyone was convinced he was a girl because it was beating so fast. Sure enough, he was just excited to get out of my body and into the world.

    I hope I get to see you soon!

  2. Bodies are to me what baking is to you! I find them, and their processes fascinating. Which has made my pregnancy an interesting voyage. :)

    I would come and sing to your body, but I highly doubt you'd want to hear my voice, or my songs! Although, I am starting to enjoy the randomness of the songs I create.

    I hope we get to see you soon too! After the lil' bambino is born, Carrie will be in touch and then whenever it works out for you you can come over and feed us (thank you!) and see the whole family!!!! :)
