Friday, September 11, 2009

Half way to Baby!

Yep, 20 weeks of my pregnancy have already passed. Its amazing how fast its gone by, even with its moments of anticipation that seem never ending coupled with moments of feeling fearful of birth and what lies ahead. All of it being great a preparatory process for just being... here... now. :)

The pictures above were taken last week at Burning Man in Black Rock City, NV. This year was James and I's 2nd year. Being pregnant on the playa (400 square miles of open space) definitely gave me challenges that I hadn't faced last year. It was such a rich and rewarding experience for us both. Our extended family of friends were so supportive and loving and my favorite part of the Burn this year. Davina and Joan, both mothers and health care providers, were such great role-models and friends. I feel so blessed to have them, as well as the e n t i r e crew in our corner. Special thanks to Davina and Tony Pastrama, Joan Haynes, Patrick Sullivan, Wayne Seeliger, Amy, Marcy, & Vicki Westover, Jay Blackhurst, Tim Hastings, Christine Faith, Diana Anderson, Jody Stanislaw, and everyone else that I'm blanking on in the moment for the love and support that comes so naturally to you all.

James and I were so touched by our community that we decided, what is most important is keeping that alive back home. In a few weeks, the date is still to be determined, we will be hosting our *heART* party. Its been in our minds for quite some time. We wanted to have a celebration of our commitment to each other when he decided to move in in May- before the baby came to us, and to celebrate his most recent art installation. A beautiful symbol of love, courage, and faith. Its a beautifully transitional piece for him, in my opinion, since most of his work has previously been a critical look into consumerism in our country and this offers a feeling-tone of aspiration, growth, and hope.

We invite all of our friends and family to join us on this special day, probably October 3rd (also James' 35th Birthday!) to share our joy of love for each other, our friends & family, creativity, community, and the heART within us all. We want this to be a creative collective event and ask for your participation as you see fit: presence, music, art, performance, poetry, hula hooping, poi dancing, sidewalk chalk sporting, costuming, baking, cooking, grilling, drink mixing... whatever!

Details to follow as they are available....


Another exciting thing about being 20 weeks along. WE CAN FIND OUT THE SEX OF THE BABY! But I doubt we will! Ha ha! Sorry guys, I just sense that there will be nothing like the moment of birth and hearing.. "Its a . . . "

Even though we've intuited that it is a girl, we are both very open to it being a boy and have stopped calling it "Padme" out of respect for all possibilities. Its new nickname is "Baby Puff" which makes us both smile and laugh. :)

My ultrasound appointment is Monday the 14th and we will post pictures after. Instead of determining the sex, I am really excited just to learn that the baby is developing normally and any changes in the due date.

I've also switched my primary provider to the women at Treasure Valley Midwives. Its less than 2 blocks from St. Lukes if there are any complications.I feel really comfortable in that environment, their care, and how close it is to home.

I hope you are all well and finding the beauty of life surrounding you.
Much love and gratitude,
Heidi Jae.

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