Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Its like I'm on crack right now!

Not that I really know what thats like but OMG!! Lucas went down for a nap and it was like... easy!!!

Well, if easy includes having to listen to a blow drier constantly for hopefully close to 2 hours. I don't care though, I'm happy he'll feel much better. I feel so bad for him. He doesn't want to go to sleep, yet you can tell his body is begging him to, and then he ends up way over-stimulated and screams and cries to shut out all the extra "noise" and try to find center.

I didn't know that on my own. I read it somewhere, probably in The Baby Whisperer, that babies cry because it gives them something singular to focus on. Well, I should restate that by saying over-stimulated, over-tired babies cry and scream for those reasons.

Anyway, today marks the first day that Himay went back to work and it was just me at home. Lucas woke early, fought going back to sleep, yet did and slept in until about noon. This is around the time we all usually get going. He had a minor episode this morning... also normal behavior, and went into his usual up and at 'em mode for a bit before he usually hits a tired wall and screams and cries for hours until he lays down around 4 or 5 for a bit.


I hope it was my swaddle/feed/blow-drier combo that helped. All tips I've gained through

Whatever it was, I don't care, but I do wish I could find some focus. I'm so happy and amazed that he's sleeping that I'm like a crackhead with ADD over here! Minus the lack of focus, it feels great! I have a feeling that turning off the computer will be the first step in shifting into super-mommy mode and cleaning the house. Himay is going to be so amazed!

Signing out to find some deep breathing...
Much love,

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